The incredible scandal revolving around little Alexandra and the decision to send her to Russia continues. Amidst the usual Russian "convenient red tape" and their denial of visas for the foster parents to participate in a Russian TV program and the "tears" of a now "repentant" judge, we watch this grotesque soap opera invade our news flashes and news papers much like a mini pandemic that is affecting mostly 2 countries.
A petition for the return of Alexandra has been started here but with a traffic of hundreds of users per hour, most of the time the page is overloaded and crashes. As far as it is known, over 8000 people have already signed the petition and probably would be already as much as double of that if the page wasn't constantly down due to overload.
And while the page crashes, the cries of indignation about Russia's lack of help in this matter are rising. Some, accuse Russia from wanting to prevent the foster parents from setting foot altogether in Russia.. and given past example of how they "work", who would be surprised? After all, it's a victory over the occidental "garbage".
The Russian Embassy in Portugal dared to say "we didn't know about anything" which is doubtful, unless no one there reads newspapers, hears/watches the news or plugs the ears to avoid the typical chatter at lunch time. In other words, do they think we're blind or stupid?
The problem for Russian politics is that right now, even the Russians consider the judge's decision to be utter garbage and the fact that the Russian Authorities are posing difficulties, isn't making things look much better.
The Portuguese judge has come forward, crying tears of repentance and wails of forgiveness for his mistakes. What he got in return were sticks and stones. The judge then said "the child was already complaining of being beaten but that isn't enough to separate her from the mother" and this was when the guillotine of public opinion beheaded him. link to the Portuguese Newspaper
Your Excellency... beating children in Portugal is a crime. May I suggest that Your Excellency goes back to law school and learn again? Perhaps it will avoid future "mishaps"...
Certainly more to come in this bizarre mix of a circus, soap opera and something out of a Danielle Steel book...